I organized Sushi party as my own birthday party in the dormitory.
It's been long time since I met them all together at same time.
And I suppose my friends enjoyed the tast of kei-style Sushi somehow.
I had no idea what kind of fish I bought at supermarket, to tell the truth.
There were only 5 or 6 kinds of fish there at a very tiny space.
I chose 3 kind of fish out of 5 or 6 that looks good for Sushi. I chose them only with their looking ha ha.
You might think every Japanese are good at cooking Sushi but that's not really true.
We normally go out to Sushi restaurant or use delivery services.
Japanese people are too busy to make Sushi at home, I mean too busy for working.
They are good at eating Sushi, though, that's right.
I grilled the fish before rolled it in because some of them aren't used to eat raw fish.
I got a good question then,
"Is this still Sushi even the fish is not raw?"

After I got tired rolling rolling and rolling, I left it to him. He is a good cook really.

I got a sweet present from friends and made a pineapple cocktail.
