26th Birthday
diary / 3 June 2008
Thank you, first of all. I got pretty much greetings and messages from friends yesterday. (not from dissapointed me somehow...only my ex-girlfriend gave me a call) Yeah as I said 26 years old is not happy age for me but it is pretty nice to be celebrated from friends and family. In Japan there is a kind of proverb, we used to hear, "30 years old is the beginning as a man" as an attractive person and from the financial point of view. It helps me a bit but also stresses me little by little. Anyway, I feel like I'd like to say thank you to my parents here. Unfortunately yesterday was just a weekday so I was NOT supposed to get drunk so much. But I got trashed! By the way. When I went to a pool bar with friends and tried to go inside, I was asked like "HOW OLD ARE YOU??, MORE THAN 17??" Seven Teen! Then I showed him my student card to prove him that I was 25. I knew Asian look younger than real age for Europeans or Americans but 17 is too young, though. ドイツ滞在もあと2ヶ月。 もう帰りの飛行機も決まったし、日本に帰ったらなにをしようかと考えたりする。 日本を旅行してみたくなった。 回ったことのある都市の数だったらドイツの方が多いかも、っていうくらい狭い世界で生活してた。 | |
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