It was about a week before I booked the ticket to London Stansted Airport from Stuttgart Flughafen.
So, the ticket was not happy price, about 190.
Whatever nothing would happen even if I was wating for cheap price ticket and actually I have not much time remaining.
I'd been hasitating to go to London alone, you know why, but all of sudden I got e-mail that my brother'd go to London for a week. And I decided to hang out with him.
First of all, weather was soooo great like a tropical country. I didn't see London-like weather to the end, never.
Everything is expensive as you already know, train ticket, food and beverage.....I mean Pound is expensive agains Yen, yes this is the poing again..ha ha.
I saw the advertisement it was advertisement for Bus drivers. It said the company will pay £500 per week pls overtime. It's unbelievable! The wage is better than that of engineer who graduates university in Japan.
House of Parliament(国会議事堂) and Big Ben
These are really make me feel like I'm in London now.

Westminster Abbey(ウェストミンスター寺院)

Buckingham Palace(バッキンガム宮殿)

The British Museum(大英博物館)

St. Paul's Cathedral(セント・ポール大聖堂)
Looking through the Millennium Bridge from Tate Modern.

Tate Modern(テート・モダン)

Tower Bridge(タワー・ブリッジ)

The Natural History Museum(自然史博物館)

Science Museum(科学博物館)

The British Museum, Tate Modern, The National Gallery are free for entrance.
(As long as I know, most of the famous museums are admission free and only ask for small contribution)
I really surprised how England use money for art. I think that's never going to happen in Japan.
I gave contribution only for The National Gallery, becase I pretty satisfied and I used audio-guide.
To tell you the truth, I like museums in Paris much more than in London.
Thames River(テムズ河), London Eye(ロンドン・アイ)
I didn't take London eye because too expensive, I guess about £15. And my brother said it is tooo hot inside of the capsule. I could imagine easily how uncomfortable inside.

Notting Hill
It's famous area, street for the same name movie. Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant
It's really kawaii area.

Artist on the street

Stamford Bridge Stadium - Chealsea FC
I went to Stamford Bridge Stadium just to look how this famous stadium looks like.
And I noticed a lot of the people were wearing blue jersy in the train and realized that day was a very last match day of Premier league in Stamford Bridge.
Imagine it's kind of miserable to go to stadium withoug having a ticket on the match day, walking the street to the stadium with an already excited funs. You of course understand already that all tickets are sold out.

Emirates Stadium - Arsenal FC On the other hand, home stadium of Arsenal was completely empty.
I just took a look at Arsenal Museum but nothing attracted me much.

I found UNIQLO(ユニクロ) at Kensington and bought some T-shirts.
Chealsea T-shirts(left, I bought it at Stamford Bridge Stadium) and Lum(うる星やつら) T-shirts(right).

I would like to apologize for being my pictures are sucks.
I dunno, I lost my touch.
航空券 - 190(´・ω・`)
空港からのエクスプレス(往復) - £32
地下鉄定期券 - £25
ユニクロでお買い物 - £44
チェルシーTシャツ - £15
アーセナル博物館 - £6
寄付 - £5
地下鉄マークTシャツ - £10
ユースホステル - £90
食事 - £45