Wohnheim Party
diary / 08-04-18
I suffered a terrible sore throat (again) and I got so pissed off about yesterday's Wohnheim party. If I had a missile I felt like to fire it on their pinhead and wipe them out. I guess it was not only me to feel like that but also the most of the rest of students did. The party continued until around 5 a.m. and they played music so loudly, screamed so stupidly and banged around so noisily. It made me wake up at 5 a.m even I would have a work tomorrow. I can't understand these idiotic behavor like care-only-about-oneself thing and I-don't-care thing. That's why I don't like living together, basically. It's fun sometimes but mostly annoying. I should say just to make sure, most of the time like normal days, everybody here is good person but they are going to be crazy only the time of drinking Beer. 寮に何度か警察もかけつけたそうだ。近所からの苦情らしい。 ドイツに来る前、学校の先生に、ドイツでは相手への思いやりがすばらしいとかいう話を聞いていたので、期待していたわけだが、さすがに学生には当てはまらない。 学生と言っても30代目前の大人なんだが。 (こっちでは、会社で働いてから大学に入学するひともいるらしく、全部が全部そういうわけではない、それに短い期間とはいえ兵役義務もあり、ドイツ大学生の年齢は高め) (学部生diplom,machlerは7セメスター、院生masterは3セメスターで修了というふうに変ったらしい) ドラえもん のび太の宇宙開拓史1981. | |
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