I went to Schwäbische Alb with international friends as an field trip.
Schwäbische Alb is a hilly and mountainous south west reagion in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
New semester starts, there were some new faces this time for me. The guys from USA, France, China, Singapore, Hungary, Poland and so on.
It's good thing to get to know new friends. It makes me quite tired sometimes though.
Schloss Lichtenstein
I even don't remember history of this castle the guide told us, almost anything.
The only thing I remember now is, there is a bullet hole on the mirror in the one room of this castle and the hole was made at the time of WW2.
That mirror is not headed to window, the mirror is right next to the window actualy I remember.
And no one know from which direction the bullet came from.

We did a kind of BBQ for lunch, but nothing was well prepared and it was not fun for me.
Nebelhöhle, a cave. It was just boring for me.

Schloss Hohenzollern
This is the castle which I was planning to visit by myself someday, and just before this weekend, actually I was supposed to go this castle on this weekend, I knew I would be able to go there by bus, with everybody.
It's one of the best castle in Germany, I think. It looks really great.
I wanted to take a picture not from the castle but to castle but couldn't.

With new roommate, scott, from USA.
Schloss Hohenzollern has brown walls and it looks nice.

On that evening, I went to The Spring Beer Festival in Bad Canstadt, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany with some of american friends.
This festival is same as Volksfest in fall but a bit smaller than that. I mean there are not many beer tents this time.
We rode a roller coaster, I think I saw it in München at Oktoberfest, it was only a few minutes but fun actually.
Wow, it was a pretty hard day today seriously.

Exkursion auf die Schwäbische Alb - Hochschule Esslingen