I used to read Mangas when I was in Japan, like on the bed just before going to sleep, at the rest of lectures, in the train on the way to school, even in the toilet.
Two times, three times...I repeat reading even I know what's happens next.
My mother sometimes complained me there are too many Mangas I have in my room and it might be collapsed (my room was on the 2nd floor). Not only Mangas but of course text books, literatures I have, though. Actually, together with my brother's stuffs, the whole book shelf on the side wall is pretty full.
But I can't just throw them away.
I realized, after went out from Japan, I should know the Manga as a Japanese. It's our culture undoubtedly.
Detective Conan, I borrowed it from my friend.

I've been looking for commenting tool but my web hosting server doesn't support CGI, like php, so I had to give up to make it by my self.
Someday I want to make my own blog on my own server.
Anyway, new tool here below. You can comment there about this article if you feel like to say something.