Headline of the article was "How German Intelligence Helped Justify the US Invasion of Iraq"
Story was like an american TV-show.
The thing is, you can't believe everything only with this text even on which side you are.
Five years ago, the US government presented what it said was proof that Iraq harbored biological weapons. The information came from a source developed by German intelligence -- and it turned out to be disastrously wrong. But to this day, Germany denies any responsibility.
March 22, 2008
When I was eating lunch with my boss and his colleague in Mensa (学食), one woman came over and sit down on the other side of the table.
She seemed to be a teacher or something because my boss and his colleague knew her.
My boss said to her just like "hello", and I thought at first they are not familiar with eath other.
All of sudden, she said "nihao" to me, and "@*CWjn:q2;\,+LKJv"#$%9e^-eofwkfmw;,v".
I had no idea what the hell she was talking about even what langage she was speaking.
Perhaps Chinese. Anyway, she didn't give me a sec to answer "hello". I lost a word like a retard.
Then she saw my open-mouthed face and realized this asian stupid guy didn't understand me.
She asked me in German, then, "You're Chinese, aren't you?", so confidently.
I understood she was probably speaking Chinese because I looked like a Chinese guy or asian people are all Chinese for her.
I didn't feel like pissed off or anything for her to misunderstand me as a Chinese, but it was not good feeling to be talked like a nonstop talk or we Japanese say it as machine-gun talk.