Winter comes back and sunny, raining, snowing every 30 minutes.
Today, 21th Friday is the day called Karfreitag in German and Holy Friday or Great Friday in English. After the day is Ester, Ostern in German.
Most of the Japanese people, I guess probably, even don't know when is the Ester and what is the Ester. Me neither. Nothing special to do for me actually in Ester, just holidays.
Yesterday a wierd thing happened to me.
When I was about to leave my office and just tried to put my computer in my rucksack, I found something was inside my bag.
It was a Schokohase (picture below) .
I have no clue who the hell put it in my bag and when. I even didn't leave my desk yesterday.
Probably my boss. But he is kind of stoic man and I can't imagine he was putting chocolate in my bag secretly.
It scared me. I can't help myself smiling at schocohase though^^.

By the way 21th were the very important days for me as a student.
It were the days I got a financial support from my parents every months . They sent me pretty much money.
And tomorrow is the very last day they send me the money, you know, I was supposed to graduate the university this March if I didn't jump to Germany in the middle of my semester, but I postpone that anyhow and the period of financial support, officially^^, will be over tomorrow.
6 gaddamn years. Every single month in 6 goddamn years they sent me the money.
I'd say I'm very appreciated.