The aim of this study I'm doing now is to get a surface profile of the object.
Combined the moire analysis and phase shifting method, object phase is calculated.
Deformation can be measured but the each two states must be stationary because of weakness of phase shifting method.
Moire fringes on human-face-like object.
Projecting the grids on the object and get the fringe movement by pushing grating by piezo actuator.
Observing the intensity of the one single point on the object images.
Since the fringes move in time or say in continuous images, I get the different intensity from every images.
Calculating 4 steps phase shifting, I got a object phase, still wrapped.
Not yet fully programed how to get 4 images automatically, 0, 90, 180, 270 rad, for example.
Remove unnecessary part of the phase image.
Also, the algorithm of phase unwrapping is not perfect yet, use small area for phase unwrapping this time to make calculation easier.
Wrapped phase distribution. Y axis is phase [rad].
Wrapped phase(blue) and unwrapped phase(red) plot.
I got a 3D unwrapped phase but the area I chose was around the cheek of human face and 3D unwrapped phase can't be valley shape.
Unfortunately but obviously wrong yet.
To be continued....