I went to Paris from 5th to 12th, to meet my friends from university at Paris.
They planed it like as a graduation trip for 6 days or something and I joined it from Germany.
I wanted to enjoy paintings in museum. I didn't want to be the one like rush through as fast as I can only taking a picuter with Mona Lisa.
However I realized I need a million of days to see every museums in Paris.
Actually I bought Museum Pass, able to see more than 60 of museums and monuments, but I used it less than 20 museums in 6 days.
I went to.......
Versailles(ヴェルサイユ宮殿), Orsay Museum, Mont St-Michel, Louvre Museum, Chans-Elysees Avenue, Arc de Triomphe(凱旋門) , Tour Eiffel, Notre-Dame, Picasso Museum, National Modern Art Museum, Orangerie Museum
I was tired as hell. My legs killed me.
Versailles - ヴェルサイユ宮殿

Mont St-Micheal
We spent whole one day there.
All of sudden we joined a Mass(ミサ), it was so small like 20 people and we all felt we were completely in wrong place.

Musée National d'Art Moderne - 国立近代美術館
I went there twice, it was so interesting for me especially after Louvre, Orsay. Maybe you know what I mean.

Place du Tertre - テルトル広場
Montmartre area, famous for film 'Amélie', west of Basilique du Sacré Cœur(サクレ・クール聖堂), there is a place a tons of painters are painting portrait or sketch of tourists.

I got one, it was kind of funny.

Eiffel Tour
We got the top of Eiffel tour at night. From the top the night view of Paris was wonderful.
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Arc de Triomphe - 凱旋門
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Musée de l'Orangerie - オランジュリー美術館
Famous museum for Nymphéas, 睡蓮, by Monet.
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Musée de Louvre - ルーヴル美術館
We chose only very very very famous arts like even we know because it is impossible to see everything.

Musée d'Orsay - オルセー美術館
Dance in the City by Renoir, I totally fall in love her like what is she thinking during dancing. She looks happy but little bit sad or embarrassed.
I met her twice.

Musée Piasso - ピカソ美術館

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris - ノートルダム大聖堂

Seine River
Only 9 for round trip main part of Seine river.

We tried to get a ticket of Moulin Rouge, very famous cabaret and asked whether there were any tickets for tonight, we didn't do any reservation or anything and got answer sold-out. I guess we were sort of brushed off.
So we decided to see a circus.
Although the show was exciting, I felt so sorry for animals performing to get feeded. I really did.

Illumination Tour
I joined Illumination Tour organized JTB.

I droped into theater to kill the time at night.
The name of the show was IONESCO, I guess. I mean I'm not sure the name because I didn't care about what kind of show.
The show was in French of course and I couldn't understand anything but I enjoyed it somehow.
Theatre de la Huchette

Stuttgart to Paris Est by TGV 108, 3.5 hour
Paris D'Artagnan 144